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Mr AlbertBurger & Fast food premium
Mr Albert

Mr Albert

Street Food

Monsieur Albert, the very French hot dog chain, is multiplying its openings in travel destinations, offering "French" recipes such as Monsieur Jacques Chichi's Tome de Savoie. After opening 10 locations, Sébastien Dameno, co-founder of the brand, explains the challenges he faces to accelerate the development of his network.

"Inpulse, it's our inventory and margin manager, we're going to be more and more precise, we're going to save time and money because if there's a problem somewhere, we're going to be alerted."

Sébastien Dameno

co-founder of Monsieur Albert

Sébastien Dameno talks to us about the crucial issues facing a growing network and why Inpulse is necessary at this stage of development: 

"Our goal within 3 years is to reach 60 to 70 restaurants, and in 1 year we'll be targeting international markets. We're going to continue to expand in airports and train stations, in particular, as we have a product that works extremely well in this environment thanks to its French-style hot dog positioning. We've just gone through a major transition phase, and our network now comprises 3 branches, 4 franchisees and 3 new franchisees due to open before the end of the year. 

With 10 restaurants, we could no longer continue as we were doing, as we were reaching a large volume of supplier orders. We chose Inpulse because it's an expert solution for centralizing orders, having an accurate view of stock and margin in all our restaurants."

An accurate view of inventory at any given moment

"The bigger we get, the more we need a specialized tool. Before, we used to work with our accountant, who checked price lists, and I took care of negotiating with suppliers. This was no longer tenable, given the volume of orders and the need to update price lists, so we decided to look for an expert multi-site solution and to structure ourselves. We're going to take on a specialized buyer to negotiate and respond to our franchisees.

What I liked about Inpulse was its ability to facilitate inventories for the teams, and its real-time access for in-depth stock analysis. It's crucial for us to have an accurate view of stock at any given moment. It's no use taking inventories if you're not connected to the cash register to automatically decrement stock. 

With Inpulse, we centralize all supplier orders, we make it easy to update price lists, we have the right level of stock... And intelligent ordering with AI for franchisees who aren't experienced, it's super interesting, we make it easy for them to order and be right from the very first months."

Watch the margin

"Inpulse is our inventory and margin manager, so if there's a problem somewhere, we'll be alerted . Last year, bread, French fries, cheese and oil went up 100%, and these are our biggest items of expenditure. 

When you have a lot more volume and you don't have a tool to monitor what's going on, you potentially lose a lot of money and you don't know how much... Without a tool, it's impossible to know the real food cost. With Inpulse, everything is calculated, and we also have the possibility of updating the delivered price, because while we have locked-in prices on many references, this is not the case for ultra-fresh products, for example. We're going to be more and more precise, saving time and money."

Avoid gasworks when setting parameters

"We tested several tools before Inpulse and really suffered from the parameterization and ergonomics. It took a long time to set up and was far too complicated for the teams. Inpulse is intuitive, you can see that it's been designed by engineers, and it's fluid. Our franchisees don't have the time, they need a powerful, well-thought-out tool ! They're quickly onboarded to the tool, all they need is a little training, and when it comes to parameterization, everything is configured to open accesses for a new franchisee in just a few clicks.

‍ If you'd like to see a demonstration of Inpulse, ask for an appointment with an expert today to discover what Inpulse can do for you.

"Inpulse, it's intuitive, you can tell it's been designed by engineers. Our franchisees don't have the time; they need a high-performance, well-thought-out tool!"

Sébastien Dameno

co-founder of Monsieur Albert

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