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MerseaBurger & Fast food premium


Sit-down restaurant

Mersea is French-style street food dedicated to fish and seafood.


+3 points

gross margin increase


20 hours

saved per month


Less than 1% of sales

losses on fish

"Before Inpulse, I often had to wait until the end of the month to monitor purchases: how much we threw away, how much we had in stock."

Keyvan Badri


At Mersea, we only do fresh food, with quality products such as fish, like lobster, and therefore we cannot afford to have losses. We started the year 2022 with 4 points of sale and a first franchise. And the objective for 2023 is to open 2 to 3 new outlets per year. With Inpulse, we are giving future franchisees the means to clearly reach the margin rate objectives that we have for our restaurants.

With Inpulse, we can set real targets that managers or operators can easily achieve, such as a 1% loss rate. Any higher would mean too much loss, and any lower would mean too much breakage. Before Inpulse, I often had to wait until the end of the month to check purchases: how much we've thrown away, how much we have in stock. With the current rise in prices, it's important to really control my material costs in all my restaurants.

"We've gained three points of margin through Inpulse." Keyvan Badri, Mersea founder

Now, thanks to Inpulse, we have several ways to act: we can rework our purchases with our suppliers, we can rework our recipes in another way, introduce new ones. We are lucky because we have more than 80 recipes. So thanks to Inpulse, we can react very quickly and add these new recipes to our menu.

Implementation in 4 weeks

My biggest fear when setting up a new tool is that it takes time and usually a lot of energy and human resources. As soon as we decided to move forward with Inpulse, we were very well supported from A to Z, from the setting up of the recipe cards to the training of the staff.

At Mersea, we have at least 3 people who have gained at least half a day per week: our buyer who handles the price lists, our operations manager who handles the forecasts and our production manager who receives the orders. Everyone joined very quickly.

"It's important with the current price hike to really control my food cost across restaurants." Keyvan Badri, Mersea founder.

"Thanks to Inpulse, I manage my stocks, I have much less out of stock." Stephane Souchere, Mersea Beaupassage manager.

Before Inpulse, I worked in a rather rudimentary way, that is to say, there were orders that we placed by email, by phone... There is always a supplier that we will forget.

With Inpulse, I was able to centralize everything on the same software and place orders in one click.

I need to save 30 minutes in a day. Inpulse has allowed me to have an overview of all my delivery dates, my open orders, my undelivered orders.

It's also easy to pass on to my teams. I have an assistant manager who handles this, so it was much easier to train her via Inpulse. My favorite thing about Inpulse is the fact that credit requests are automatically emailed to suppliers."

If you would like to take advantage of an Inpulse, request an appointment with an expert today to see what Inpulse can do for you.

"We gained three margin points through Inpulse."

Keyvan Badri


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