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The Flying CounterBurger & Fast food premium
The Flying Counter

The Flying Counter

Premium Fast Food

"The Comptoir story is like a good homemade mayo: good ingredients, a little elbow grease and a lot of love." That's how Comptoir Volant defines itself, as it continues to win over the hearts of the people of Lille. Baptiste Lenglard, Director of Operations for the 5 establishments (2 restaurants, 2 food kiosks in Lille food courts and 1 food truck), explains why he decided to change his stock management software for Inpulse.

"What made the difference when we chose Inpulse was really the ergonomics and the recommendation of commands."

Baptiste Lenglard

Director of Operations Le Comptoir Volant

Baptiste Lenglard from Comptoir Volant explains why he decided to change his inventory management and supplier order software to Inpulse .

"We had been considering changing our software for a long time. With the very frequent price changes, we have accelerated decision making, it was essential for us to have access to better tracking of our restaurants, to better manage inventory and most importantly to simplify life for our managers in the field."

Avoiding over-stocking and over-consumption

"We want to order what we need because, on the one hand, we have establishments with limited storage capacity, but above all because forgotten orders disrupt the operation of the restaurants, with managers calling for help, transferring stock, etc. Inpulse's order recommendation will help curb this problem. "
"Inpulse will also allow us to check if there is still overconsumption, we set up dosers two years ago. At Le Comptoir Volant, we offer a generous product, we're looking for that perfect balance between generous product and respect for costs, we're going to be able to check that."

Raise the skills of our managers

"We have a real entrepreneurial mindset, I started as a multi-skilled crew member 5 years ago and now I'm Director of Operations. It's in our DNA to help our teams grow, we want to write great stories, it's a personal enrichment for us to see them progress. And for that, we have to give them the means to improve their skills!
With Inpulse, I want to offer my managers a tool that makes them autonomous: simplify their life with orders, especially when you're just starting out; allow them to spend time analyzing the profitability of their restaurant by accessing food cost and the consumption variances; and finally, thanks to Inpulse sales forecasts, they can predict the payroll from one week to the next and adjust schedules."
"What made the difference when we chose Inpulse was really the ergonomics and the recommendation of commands. Easy to use software is essential. I want my managers to feel good and want to do their tasks on the software."

Having access to data to make the right decisions

"We're going to monitor food cost in real time, and we want to analyze to see if we need to stop a product. We'll do this in line with the field, because the opinion of managers is hyper-important. "

If you would like to take advantage of an Inpulse, request an appointment with an expert today to see what Inpulse can do for you.

"The Flying Counter is all about generosity, with Inpulse we go after margin points without hurting our customers."

Baptiste Lenglard

Director of Operations Le Comptoir Volant

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