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GOMUBurger & Fast food premium


Street Food

The creators of the "bao-ger" continue their meteoric rise with 30 openings scheduled by April 2023 and a target of 60 restaurants in France and Belgium by the end of 2023. Ali Chouiki, co-founder of GOMU, talks to us about the growth of GOMU and the operational challenges of such an ascension.



including 12 franchisees in one year!



franchisees by the end of 2023



franchisees by the end of 2023

"We decided to adopt Inpulse to have a single tool that centralizes supplier orders and food ratios. We're going to help our franchisees optimize their food costs and understand what's going on in inventory. "

Ali Chouiki

Co-founder of GOMU

What are the challenges of bringing on board 12 new franchisees in one year?

To support GOMU's growth, we have a global strategy of digitalization and information transmission to franchisees. We have set up tools to give our franchisees access to certain key data. This is why we chose Inpulse, so that franchisees can monitor their profitability with a vision of food cost .

There are really all profiles among our franchisees, each one has its own method, often artisanal, our role is to standardize the processes and to allow them to quickly reach their financial objectives.

We chose to adopt Inpulse's inventory management software to streamline supplier ordering and centralize all data in a single tool. We were also convinced by the "business intelligence" aspect of the solution, with sales forecasts and ratios calculated in real time. We also wanted to have food ratios that our franchisees could access quickly. We're going to help them compare themselves and understand what happens to their stock when they don't reach food cost.

The accompaniment is key at GOMU, we are with them for 3 months in a very intense way. GOMU is brutal, when we carry out an opening we move on the spot to answer as it should be with this waiting out of standard

What is the situation despite the inflationary context?

After the opening of the first restaurant, we quickly launched the franchise. We were lucky enough to launch a concept that has found its audience, customers adhere to the quality of the products and to a strong brand. At each opening there is an impressive queue, the strategy implemented on social networks works really well: we have a huge number of followers and reposts.

Within 3 months, 35 franchisees will have joined us, we hope to reach 50 restaurants by the end of 2023 in France and 10 more in Belgium. With the growth that we have, we benefit from the economy of scale, we have managed to negotiate good rates when we should have been impacted by the price increase, we were lucky to have this growth in this context of inflation.

What is the recipe for scaling?

  • Product: We've taken the best of our travel experiences and merged them into our one-of-a-kind amerasian burgers.
  • Culture: My co-founders and I met at the Japan Expo in 2004, we created a universe inspired by the famous King of Pirates manga which is very popular with a very large community here in France and in the world.

‍ If you'd like to see a demonstration of Inpulse, ask for an appointment with an expert today to discover what Inpulse can do for you.

"Inpulse makes supplier order placement seamless."

Ali Chouiki

Co-founder of GOMU

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